
The Spiritual Path

My Journey through Spiritual Learning

I should be dead. When I was 24, I was riding a motorcycle when a car pulled out right in front of me. I braked, but there wasn’t space enough to stop or room enough to swerve. Suddenly, just before impact, the bike turned sharply and took me—within inches of the car—up the side street the car had emerged from. I didn’t turn that bike. I couldn’t have. Something invisible took control and saved my life.

Twenty years later Ramoth told me something that would change every moment day of the rest of my days. “Now, why do you think you’ve been given this information?” he asked. I said the only words I could think of: “For a great spiritual purpose.” “Yes,” said Ramoth.

That spiritual purpose is why I wasn’t allowed to die at 24. The time has come to put that purpose into action.


  • Open Mind, Closed Mind

    My uncle Jack Kidd was the finest literary scholar I’ve ever known–which is saying something. In my career teaching college English, I bumped into quite a few good lit scholars. But to Jack, whose mind was both encyclopedic and analytic, literature, history and the thought of a given era–the philosophy and theology–were all inextricably interwoven…

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